Pennsylvania Legislature
2023-24 Issues
Requirements for Sale of Scrap Materials/Stopping Catalytic Converter Robberies
House Bill 791 (Isaacson-D) Amends the Scrap Material Theft Prevention Act to require a scrap metal buyer of used catalytic converters to maintain records of purchases. This includes proof of ownership, documentation of potential identifying marks, VIN of the vehicle from which the part is removed, the seller's home address and driver's license number, the license plate of the vehicle which brought in the part, and a photo of the seller of the part. In addition, it requires scrap metal buyers to retain the item for ten days before recycling or scrapping it so law enforcement can retrieve it if it is deemed stolen.
Status: Passed House, 119-84, 6/28/2023 – Awaiting referral in Senate
Modifying Management of Abandoned Vehicles at Auction
House Bill 103 (Schmitt-R) amends Title 75 (Vehicles), authorizing a wholesale vehicle auction, or salvor, to remove vehicles that dealers have abandoned at the wholesale vehicle auction without the wholesale auction’s consent. It would also authorize the wholesale auction to charge and collect storage fees and the releasing or recovering costs of the abandoned vehicle.
Status: House Judiciary, 3/7/2023
Penalties for Violations Against Lessors and Lienholders of vehicles Impounded, Salvaged, or Scrapped
This legislation addresses “violations against lessors, lienholders and owners” whereby a person who knowingly violates this subchapter and such violation causes a vehicle to be destroyed, dismantled, salvaged, recycled, flattened, crushed, or otherwise processed to the extent the vehicle is no longer identifiable without the consent of the vehicle’s lessor, lienholder or owner commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, pay fines up to $5,000 or the value of the vehicle at the time of transfer to a vehicle salvage dealer or scrap metal processor or amount of outstanding lien or lease, whichever is more.
Status: Pending introduction.
Independent Motor Vehicle Dealer Education
Amends the act of December 22, 1983 (P.L. 306, No. 84), entitled “An act providing for the State Board of Vehicle Manufacturers, Dealers and Salespersons; and providing penalties,” in vehicles, further providing for independent dealer education.
Specifically, it provides for web-based salesperson prelicensing and renewal education requirements, developed or approved by the board, for “independent motor vehicle dealers” upon initial application for licensure or renewal applicants licensed less than ten years from initial licensure as a salesperson or sole proprietor.
The board shall develop a web-based prelicensing and renewal education and training course or course criteria for education course providers to submit to the board for approval within 180 days of the effective date of this act. The prelicensing and renewal education and training course shall include information on the laws and board rules applicable to an independent motor vehicle dealer and the consequences of violating those laws and rules.
Under this proposed legislation, an “Independent motor vehicle dealer” is defined only as a used vehicle dealer. It excludes explicitly a new vehicle dealer, newly manufactured housing dealer, used manufactured housing or mobile home dealer, new recreational vehicle dealer, used recreational vehicle dealer, or mobility vehicle dealer.
Status: Pending introduction.
Government Representation and Lobbying
To address dealers' concerns, the MidAtlantic IADA regularly meets with government officials from state agencies that regulate the used car business in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware.
We also utilize a PAC Fund and the services of a lobbyist to implement MidAtlantic IADA's legislative agenda and assist in resolving bureaucratic issues as they arise in state agencies.
For example, In 2022, PIADA successfully lobbied for legislation to pass Act 130 of 2022, specifically including a new Section 3723, creating an offense of theft of catalytic converters.

Erik A. Ross
Senior Associate, Milliron Goodman, PIADA’s Lobbyist
Erik brings over 30 years of experience in state government and lobbying to Milliron Goodman. He specializes in state government relations with a focus on transportation, energy, environmental, and public utility issues in one of the most innovative regulatory environments in the country.
On behalf of PIADA, he lobbies members and staff of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, executive departments, and regulatory agencies. In addition, he serves as a liaison between PIADA and state government officials and assists in the drafting or amending of legislative and regulatory proposals.
Looking forward, Erik and Milliron Goodman will be heavily leaned upon as PIADA continues to navigate the complex legislative and regulatory environment in Pennsylvania.